Welcome to My Library

My Books are available for you to Purchase from the Blurb Bookstore.

Blurb enables me to create, self-publish and sell my own books in Print and Electronic Formats. It is ideal facility for the production of books that are required in small volumes and printed on demand.
My Books would commonly be described as Coffee Table Books. They are hard backed, some with a loose cover and printed on high quality paper. Subject matter is predominantly pictorial with Introductory information and captioning, they are sometimes described as Photo-Books.
They are intended to entertain you and your friends and promote your interest in Wildlife and Travel. In particular the books that are the subject of cruises display them from a different perspective than is the norm.

Book Previews.

Clicking on a “Book Cover” will take you to the Blurb Website where you will be able to Preview the book in its printed format. Or you can click one of the buttons.
Here you will be able view the technical aspect of the book, pricing, and place your order with Blurb for delivery to an address of your choice.

Please choose your Currency by clicking your Country’s Flag on the Blurb Website.

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More about the Book Electronic Formats.

Books may be available for download in the Adobe .pdf format. This format works well on Microsoft and Apple products. The .pdf files are not for printing.
Some books are also available in ePub, the iBook format.
Viewing on Phone Devices may not provide the best experience of the content because of the screen size.


These Photo-Books are only printed on demand in relatively low volumes when you place your order through Blurb. Consequently they have a high production cost as compared to those printed in high volumes.
I hope you will enjoy these very special books.

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